OK, so I am a little late with this post considering our first notable snow (a whole 2") happened a couple of weekends ago, but better late than never. Give me a break it is the holiday season, quite possibly the worst time of the year for work and I am having a hard enough time dragging my ass out of bed in the morning to get to where I need to be, let alone updating a blog. Which, BTW, my dear friend Amy predicted would happen when I started this whole thing. She called my blog "ambitious". Well, she is right, but I'll be damned if I don't stick with it and someday actually catch up on my Roo stories. Maybe that is why my company closes for the holidays? Just so I can update Reagan's blog.
Reagan is almost 15 months old now, going on 3. The kid is incredible. She accepts each new day with a smile and challenge. Nothing holds her back, well almost nothing. After we got back from visiting my family in NJ and seeing Auntie Courtney's ice show we arrived to discover the front yard covered with just enough snow for a toddler (and two very excited golden retrievers). I unloaded the car and Reagan was THRILLED to be out of her seat and moving around. As I set her in the driveway, she looked around at all the snow and kind of paused with a look on her face like, "hmmm, what is going on here". She slowly walked up our front walk looking at this funny white stuff. I picked some up and licked it and she immediately started laughing.
We rushed inside and got out all our newly purchased snow gear. On with the pants, coat, hat and mittens (which she likes to pretend are puppets as she waves them in the air and quacks like a duck, not sure why, but that is another blog entry I will have to write later). We let the dogs out first so they could run around like maniacs and then picked up Roo and plopped her in the middle of the front yard to explore. I am not sure who had more fun, us watching her figure it all out or her figuring it all out.
First she tried to walk over the snow, then sinking, realized she had to shuffle through it. She is stuffed into a huge snowsuit shuffling through the snow and whining all the way until all of a sudden she falls face first into a pile and discovers that snow is edible. Game over! All she wanted to do was lay on her stomach and eat snow. When she finally got up after a few minutes, she would lean down in a downward dog-like yoga position and lick the snow. All I could think of was that she just might be that kid that gets her tongue stuck to a flagpole when triple dog dared. Oh well. I guess we will decide how to handle that phone call when it comes. For now we have purchased a sled and will continue to let her eat as much snow as she wants. As long as it isn't yellow, which in our yard can be sometimes difficult to find.
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