Every parent wants their kid to be good at something or good at everything. Sports, music, math, the competition to have a kid who is "smart" can be fierce. My attitude is that, my kid is who she is and all I can do is love her, teach her and discipline her. The rest is up to her. I will do my best to support her in the things she wants to pursue, within reason of course. One thing I know for sure, my kid likes to make noise, of just about any kind. She is at her happiest running around in the middle of chaos, laughing as loud as she can. To her that is heaven. Sit her in a quiet room and she will beg to be allowed to go somewhere else, anywhere else, as long as there are more people and more things to do.
While visiting my family over Thanksgiving we discovered that Reagan likes the piano. Keep in mind, if you are not a parent, most kids like pianos, this is not a new discovery, except of course it is different when it is YOUR kid. Pianos are big, cool, potentially off limits and make great noises. My parents have lived in the same house for over 32 years and they are not good purgers. With that said I am trying to coach them into cleaning up the place and getting rid of the vast amount of items they no longer need. My father is hard pressed to throw out his market research reports from the 70's because he is convinced there is still useful information in them, regardless of the fact that I have tried to explain that surely, someone, somewhere has probably funded new research some time over the last 30 years.
Now back to my story. While helping my Dad clean up the living room, Reagan was going nuts, she could not be contained. So, as a joke, I sat her on the piano bench and let her investigate. I thought my Mom would freak when she heard the piano played for the first time in 20 years (her house if typically considered a "don't mess with my stuff" zone). To my surprise and delight, Reagan was completely immersed in her piano playing and my Mother was thrilled to see someone playing the piano at all. By the end of the weekend we became the identified part of the family who would inherit the instrument along with some nagging from Grandma about looking into piano lessons for my 14 month old, which by the way ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
While also visiting home, we attended the annual lighting of the Christmas tree in Palmer Square. We went with my Sister and met a couple of friends there. To say that I was unprepared for the amount of time we would be there is an understatement. Reagan tore through two granola bars and wanted more food. Our friend Steph was kind enough to share some cheerios which held Reagan over, but barely. I haven't attended the tree lighting in several years so it was really nice. We'll have to consider attending again some time in the future, with of course more snack supplies than we had this time.
Overall a decent Thanksgiving weekend, not long enough of a break from work, but nice. Now we are counting down the days until the Christmas holiday break and hope to really relax then. Maybe even play a few tunes on a piano.
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