Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Roo. The Bubble Blower.

So things have been a bit chaotic for us. We have yet to experience the lull after the holidays that everyone keeps talking about. No lull in our household. I need a lull. I think all three of us need a lull.

Roo is growing and changing every day, sometimes so quickly I think I blink and she is doing something new. Which is why it is getting harder and harder to leave her for days at a time when I have to travel for work (which has been weekly lately). It breaks my heart. Hopefully I am home now for a bit and can soak in every new word, activity and experience with her.

Recently I returned from one of my trips only to be followed by a week of working very late hours. One night I made a mad dash for the door as soon as I was given the opportunity so I could make an effort to get home in time for Roo's bath and bedtime. Mission accomplished! I arrived just in time to help her in the tub. I reached for a washcloth and as I turned back around to face the tub I heard a strange noise. An odd gurgling noise. Then I realized it was coming from my kid. She had, unprovoked, stuck her face into the bath water and started blowing bubbles. I couldn't believe it. No one had taught her that (at least as far as I am aware of) and although I have every intention of signing her up for a Mommy & Me swim class (add it to the never ending to-do list), we had never tried to get her to do anything like this.

I couldn't stop laughing and she just kept putting her face back in the water and blowing bubbles, just to entertain me. I got Kerry's attention and he rushed upstairs just in time for her to do it 1-2 more times, over. We kept saying "c'mon baby, blow bubbles" and she just looked at us like, "I have no idea what you are talking about". Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. We now try to get her to do it every night, sometimes she gives it a shot, mostly she laughs at us as we dunk our heads in the water and get soaking wet in an effort to convince her try just one more time. We haven't had a whole lot of luck. I guess we will have to wait for her next amazing trick, try to get it on DVD, just to realize that she does not perform on demand. Haven't we learned yet?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Complete Chaos

OK, so it has been a while since I have updated this. A month. I swore I wouldn't go this long without updates, but I have. Bad Mommy. Anyway, January has been complete hell and we have been busier than ever. Shocker. And here we are, officially in February and it is shaping up to be more of the same. I have convinced myself that it will never slow down and I just need to get over it. Accept and move on. But I don't want to.

This year we rung in the new year with our traditional hibachi dinner. Except this time Roo got to join us. We went with our friends Tracy and Tommy and had a blast. Miss Roo loved all the activity at the hibachi table, but her favorite part is chewing on the boxes of fruit flavored gum. Ahh, the little things. At one point she got so antsy that I had to take her out to the reception area for a little distraction time. The host gave her a rubber flower shaped ring that had a flashing light in it. You would've thought she found the best thing ever. She kept screeching and laughing at it, and of course trying to eat it, which led it it's eventual confiscation and disposal into the garbage can. Choking hazard.

On the 5th, it was back to our usual routine. Work, school, work. I felt like I never got a break and got horribly sick. What a mess. I actually lost my voice for three days. Roo is at the point where she is a little mimic. She is always trying to repeat words. Poor kid, all I could do all weekend was whisper, so she would whisper right back to me. Then she would of course screech at the top her lungs and start laughing at me. As if I was trying to tease her and all this whispering was just a game. I wish.

Then we decided to take a family road trip to visit Kerry's Godparents. They live in VA, right outside DC. We had one very important learning on this trip- it is time to invest in a portable DVD player. There is NOTHING worse than an antsy 15 month old in an Audi. Small, bored person in a small space, with lots of energy. It was at times, sheer torture, for all three of us. Gone are the days of the long naps and the days of needed constant entertainment have arrived. But we made it, had a great visit and it was a chance for Roo to spend some quality time with Aunt Peggy and Uncle Bernie, two people we truly love and admire.

So, as I bring the stories of our adventurous January to a close, all I can say is that we are looking forward to a very busy February. And on a sad note, we had known for a few weeks that I was pregnant with our second child, but after getting stuck in the crazy Midwest ice storm last week, I went to the doc and found out that at 8 weeks the pregnancy was not viable. I was sad and a little shocked at first, but Roo always makes everything better. I came home, gave her a big hug and a kiss, which was exactly what I needed. Her laugh lights me up from the inside out and I am so lucky to have her. I know I keep writing that over and over, but I mean it. My life is different and so much better because she is in it. If we are meant to have more children, great, if not I still feel like I am the luckiest Mom in the world.