I remember the days I sat and stared at Roo just waiting for her first word. I now take that all back and wish she could be quiet for 5 minutes so I could think. Horrible to say as a parent, but totally true.
Her latest habit is that when we are in the car and music is playing she asks three essential questions:
1. What song is this Mommy?
2. Who sings it Mommy?
3. Is it a boy or a girl? (pronounced gurl)
Last week we were in the car and she asked all three questions to which I replied with the song's title, artist and gender. Then Roo threw me for a loop by asking, "is she a little gurl Mommy?" To which I replied, "no, she is a big girl, a big Mommy." NOTE: "A big Mommy" in Roo's world these days translates to "adult." Then I made the mistake of saying, "well, maybe she is not a big Mommy, she is just an adult." At that point I opened Pandora's box of questions.
The conversation then went a little like this:
Roo: "I am an adult."
Me: "No honey, you are a kid."
Roo: "No Mommy, I am an adult."
Me: "Really? Do you have a job?"
Roo: "Yep."
Me: "Really? What do you do?"
Roo: "Work."
Me: "What kind of work?"
Roo: "I work on my pink computer." (her Vtech pink computer)
Me: "OK. Well, do you drive?"
Roo: "Yep. Stop driving Mommy and I will show you."
Me: "I don't think your feet can reach the pedals."
Roo: "Yes they can! Let me show you."
Me" "How about later? I need to get you to school"
Roo: "OK Mom, but one day I will drive and you will sit in the backseat, OK?"
I guess she is right, that can totally happen. Visions of Driving Miss Daisy were in my head the rest of the day. She sure is cute, but she sure asks a lot of questions.