Roo is very into what she calls "buggies". All bugs--flies, bees, crickets, but most of all ladybugs. Which is a good think because her Auntie Court is all about ladybugs, so they can bond over their little red spotted friends. Seriously though, Reagan has a whole ladybug rain outfit. The whole kit and caboodle--coat, boots and umbrella. Ask our friend Caryn, who go to witness the fashionista live and in person when we went to breakfast together on Saturday.
On the same ladybug subject, there is a song that plays on the radio called "Ladybug Without Spots." Roo loves to sing and every time she hears the song, at the appropriate moment she yells "SPOTS!" This year for Halloween she is even going to appear as her favorite superhero--Ladybug Girl (seriously, this is the title of her favorite book).
Tonight, Daddy went to softball and I got solo Roo time, which is perfect timing since I have to leave on business tomorrow. We executed our typical bedtime rituals, with the addition of a visit to Roo's new potty. Dinner, wash hands, try to go potty, wash hands, argue about getting into the bathtub, finally get into bathtub, splash Mommy and make a mess, out of tub, brush teeth, get jammies on, watch Miss. Spider, argue about story time/bedtime and then FINALLY succumb to Mommy's wishes and head to the bedroom for story time & bedtime. Quite exhausting and some days it feels like the whole thing last for hours, even though it may only last forty-five minutes. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate every second, even as we are doing battle with each other.
Tonight's story time included Toddler Animal Friends, I Got A Potty and Curious George Goes To The Movies. All big hits. As Roo's eyes started to droop, she reached up and touched my forehead and said very sweetly, "Mommy spots." I thought I had something on my face, then I realized she was talking about my freckles. I giggled and said, "yes, Mommy has spots. They're called freckles." Roo said very carefully, "Freckles. Mommy's freckles." Then she broke me out of our sweet spell by saying "Mommy Story Time!"
Every day brings a new discovery for Roo and reminds me to laugh more and try to enjoy these little moments. I know they will all be gone before I know it. My only goal is to live in the moment and enjoy every second.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Sweet Girl
This weekend has been a whirlwind, and a rainy one at that. Roo is pretty active (we joke that we need to exercise her like one of our dogs), so rainy days are not our friends. Saturday we ran a bunch of errands (I am terribly behind) and played around the house. Sunday morning was a bit rainy, but the sun finally came out in time for Reagan's nap. Of course.
After napping, I decided our best bet was the pool, even though I knew it would be cold. So we packed a bag, sunscreened up and headed over. While there, we bumped into a family we know and the kids began playing a "push" game. I have no idea what the heck it was, but suddenly every kid, regardless of age, was playing it in the shallow end. It was actually kind of funny. One kid would run up to another and say "be careful, don't push me" and then without even being touched fling themselves backward into the pool and launch into a hysterical fit of laughter. Never seen it before, and probably won't see it again. Odd kid thing.
Once the lifeguards called adult swim, Roo and I headed to the picnic tables for a snack of veggie stix (her current favorite snack) and then hit the playground. Hard. After about 45 minutes, Roo started begging for more food and I figured it was time to head home. We made a fruitless effort to rinse off the dirt and wood chips from our clothes and feet and then started off to the parking lot. Roo ran up to me with her little arms outstretched calling "up Mommy, up." I scooped her up and started walking. After we got a few feet she took her little hands and put them on both sides of my cheeks, patting them. saying "My Mommy" in a very loving, adorable voice. Then she placed her head in the crook of my neck and started making sweet little noises of love and comfort (I like to refer to it as her purr). I am sometimes so amazed by how much love these little people can give, it is endless and unconditional--and the best thing ever.
After napping, I decided our best bet was the pool, even though I knew it would be cold. So we packed a bag, sunscreened up and headed over. While there, we bumped into a family we know and the kids began playing a "push" game. I have no idea what the heck it was, but suddenly every kid, regardless of age, was playing it in the shallow end. It was actually kind of funny. One kid would run up to another and say "be careful, don't push me" and then without even being touched fling themselves backward into the pool and launch into a hysterical fit of laughter. Never seen it before, and probably won't see it again. Odd kid thing.
Once the lifeguards called adult swim, Roo and I headed to the picnic tables for a snack of veggie stix (her current favorite snack) and then hit the playground. Hard. After about 45 minutes, Roo started begging for more food and I figured it was time to head home. We made a fruitless effort to rinse off the dirt and wood chips from our clothes and feet and then started off to the parking lot. Roo ran up to me with her little arms outstretched calling "up Mommy, up." I scooped her up and started walking. After we got a few feet she took her little hands and put them on both sides of my cheeks, patting them. saying "My Mommy" in a very loving, adorable voice. Then she placed her head in the crook of my neck and started making sweet little noises of love and comfort (I like to refer to it as her purr). I am sometimes so amazed by how much love these little people can give, it is endless and unconditional--and the best thing ever.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
On The Road Again...

I have successfully avoided out of state travel without Roo for a few months now, but the travel game is back on. Chicago a couple of weeks ago. NW Arkansas this week, Neenah, WI next week. Some days it is easier to leave my little girl behind, others not so much. She is growing like a week and every day is an adventure. This morning I wanted to snatch her up and bring her with me (and ask Kerry, I was seriously contemplating it), but let her sleep. My team in Arkansas has gotten to know her over the last two years and just like they consider me family, they also consider Roo family so they love to see her whenever they can. She has made it down here twice and I need to sneak her down again before she turns 2 and I have to buy her a seat. Next time.
Hopefully all will go well with my flights and I will be home late on Thursday so I can give Roo a big hug when she wakes up in the morning. Just in time to see her do "jumpy jumpies."
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